Machine&Module:NEJE 3 MAX E40
Material:Cardboard,double faced adhesive tape
Software: lightburn
Parameter setting: Cutting Power 40% Speed 1000/min 1 pass Engraving Power 35% Speed 9000/min
Tutorial Guide:
- Prepare red, white and green cardboard and lightburn software to create windowsills, clouds, leaves, tree trunks and snowflakes
- Cut the red cardboard into the window sill shape, the white cardboard into the snowflake and cloud shape, the green cardboard into the tree top shape, and the brown cardboard into the tree trunk Cutting Power 40% Speed 1000/min 1 pass Engraving Power 35% Speed 9000/min
- Paste and assemble the cut shape with double-sided adhesive tape
Parameter setting: Cutting Power 40% Speed 1000/min 1 pass Engraving Power 35% Speed 9000/min
video display
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